Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Christmas has to be my all time favorite holiday of the year. From the bright and shiny lights to the joyous carols that play on the local radio station (Warm 106.9 <-- Click to listen to continuous Christmas favorites!), I am filled with a spirit that I hope to keep all year long. I can remember being a young child going to my grandmother’s house and seeing my family mingling, seemingly enjoying each other’s company while being surrounded by the many decorations that my grandmother took precious time to place just perfectly throughout the house.

Although I was young and the gifts I received were always intriguing, my favorite part of the festivities was the tree. I used to lay as a child underneath the Christmas Tree in my mother’s home as a child just staring up to the top mesmerized by the sparkle and shine. While I always took part in decorating my mother’s tree, this year I had the privilege of decorating my very own tree and I must say that I was pretty impressed with my final product.

While I'm just beginning my holiday decorating rampage, I am excited that the tree is up to keep my hype for the remainder of the season.  It's my way to create the memories I had as a child when my mother and grandmother set the tree up nicely for all to admire. 

I hope that all of you enjoy your Christmas this year and can find the little things that make your own individual perception of this magical holiday special to you.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Winter Wonderland!

I live in Washington and while we get tons of rain throughout the year, we dont get too much snow that actually sticks.  So I decided to take it upon myself to take a few photos of my neighborhood two days in the making of our very own Winter Wonderland.

November 22, 2010

November 23, 2010

Now I know what some of you may be thinking about my supposed "Winter Wonderland", that it's not such a wonderland at all, in fact the level of snow we've recieved this Thanksgiving is NOTHING compared to what you may recieve in your part of the United States, but to me, this is Holiday Season heaven and I wanted to share it with all of you!